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 So how many Storch are their in the US

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3 posters
The Col.
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So how many Storch are their in the US Empty
PostSubject: So how many Storch are their in the US   So how many Storch are their in the US EmptyFri Jan 09, 2009 6:28 pm

So Yea I know this topics has been discussed on Wixs and it seems that we can never get an actual #.

I do recall back in the early 80s that their was a place in NJ that had around 8-15 at the field.
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tony hoskins
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So how many Storch are their in the US Empty
PostSubject: Re: So how many Storch are their in the US   So how many Storch are their in the US EmptyFri Jan 09, 2009 7:34 pm

Can't help you on the US ones, but we are lucky enough to have a number here in the UK, I was lucky enough to look do some work on this one for a while a few seasons back:

I think we probably have 4 or 5 here in the UK now.


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paul smith
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So how many Storch are their in the US Empty
PostSubject: US Storches   So how many Storch are their in the US EmptySun Jan 11, 2009 11:49 am

According to the FAA database, there are a total of 4 Fi-156s listed. 2 model C-1s and 2 model C-2s. MA, MI, FL and WA. Unless, like most L-4s they are listed as some other designation.

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The Col.
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So how many Storch are their in the US Empty
PostSubject: Re: So how many Storch are their in the US   So how many Storch are their in the US EmptySun Jan 11, 2009 8:13 pm

paul smith wrote:
According to the FAA database, there are a total of 4 Fi-156s listed. 2 model C-1s and 2 model C-2s. MA, MI, FL and WA. Unless, like most L-4s they are listed as some other designation.


Hi Paul yea I went thru both the German list and the French list it's interesting to see how many are actually German build with Frehcn engines and wings.
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So how many Storch are their in the US Empty
PostSubject: Re: So how many Storch are their in the US   So how many Storch are their in the US Empty

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So how many Storch are their in the US
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